Why Do My Legs Feel Heavy

Why Do My Legs Feel Heavy

Why do my legs feel heavy? It is because of the accumulation of fluid between cells due to a sedentary lifestyle, medication, menstruation, pregnancy, inadequate nutrition, venous disorders, and thyroid dysfunction.

Feeling tired and having heavy legs is not always due to excess weight or fluid retention. When we talk about “tired,” “heavy “or” swollen legs,” we are talking about a pervasive problem in women: edema. It is a case where you must immediately contact the USA Clinic for an appointment for vein treatment in New York. 

What is edema?

It is an excessive accumulation of serum albuminous fluid in the cellular tissue that is characterized by an increase in the thickness of the legs. Its growth is due to different variables related to the body’s general functioning. In other words, edema is always a symptom of a more significant disease.

The most common edemas occur in the legs because they are the ones that receive all the weight of the body, without forgetting the action of the force of gravity that stimulates the concentration and movement of liquids in the lower limbs.

At first, vein doctors in New York rule out serious problems involving vital organs such as the heart or lungs.

Why do my legs feel heavy? What could these symptoms mean?

The sensation of heavy legs is characterized by the “heaviness” in the legs when trying to move them, walk, or stand, which reduces the quality of life of people. The most frequent symptoms are usually pain, a sensation of heaviness or cramps in the lower extremities, non-specific pain that is not very localized and not excessively intense in the legs, tingling, and itching. In some cases, swelling ankles and calves can also be observed, generating an increase in diameter and volume in the lower part of the leg.

One of the main reasons for heaviness in the legs is venous insufficiency, which causes the leg veins to have difficulty in facilitating the passage of blood flow and sending blood back from the legs to the heart safely and efficiently. This facilitates the accumulation of fluids or blood in the lower areas of the legs, causing the feeling of heavy legs, or causing swelling of the legs and the appearance of the dreaded varicose veins.

Signs to watch out for and prepare for a visit to the vein doctor in New York

The symptoms increase with age since the veins lose elasticity and do not contract as quickly when we get older.

  • Cramps: it is a crucial symptom in the appearance of edema. In most cases, these herald the ailment. They can happen during physical training or in the rest period.

Necessary: certain situations help the appearance of cramps. Sometimes an uncomfortable position held for a long time can be the leading cause of this discomfort.

It is necessary to observe when it arises so that the vein doctor in New York can diagnose more accurately.

  • Heaviness: again, why do my legs feel heavyThe heat and atmospheric pressure probably produce a feeling of heaviness in the body’s lower limbs. Once these conservational conditions have been ruled out, if the discomfort continues, it may be due to a malfunction of the blood fluids in the vessels and arteries.
  • Tiredness: Currently, the daily routine produces general body tiredness. However, if exhaustion continues despite rest, it is more likely that this feeling is a red flag.

The most frequent causes: 

  • Venous insufficiency

This disorder occurs when the venous blood return is difficult. The blood from the veins returns to the heart through two interconnected systems. When this physiological process is altered, venous insufficiency occurs.

Of course, you don’t feel your blood and other vital fluids changing their usual course; however, your body will let you know within a few hours that an abnormality has occurred.

Treatment: Being a localized problem, the vein doctor in New York resorts to medication that corrects blood flow and stabilizes circulation within the venous-arterial system. Many turn to diuretics (over-the-counter) to treat venous insufficiency.

  • Menstruation:

During the menstrual period, hormonal body changes unleash innumerable organic processes, including leg edema.

Treatment: in this case, it does not resist greater severity since the legs return to their original state at the end of the cycle. If it does not occur, it is convenient to consult and confirm the cause of the edema.

  • Pregnancy:

As in menstruation, during the nine months of pregnancy, the body adjusts to its new state and produces internal changes. Inside, the fluid circulating through the veins increases because the uterus compresses the venous system; then, the blood looks for an alternative to continuing its trajectory and expands out of the veins. Then, the changes are externalized in different ways. One such form is edema.

Treatment: under no circumstances should diuretics be ingested. They are inconvenient since they reduce blood circulation in the placenta, causing damage to the developing embryo. The specialist vein doctor in New York is the best to say what to do in this situation.

A possible and safe solution for the baby to minimize leg pain and decrease swelling is to lie on his side with his legs elevated at a 45-degree angle.

10 Rules for preventing and relieving swelling in heavy legs:

  1. Walk as much as possible. 
  2. Control your weight.
  3. Decrease salt intake.
  4. Eat vegetables and drink fluids.
  5. Avoid mid-thigh tights and garter stockings.
  6. Take a shower with lukewarm water and finish with a jet of cold water on your legs to tone them.
  7. Massage your feet and legs while applying moisturizer, from ankle to thigh.
  8. Wear loose clothing that does not pressure the circulation (pants, underwear, and shoes).
  9. Do circulatory exercises with your feet to activate circulation at night.
  10. Sleep with your legs slightly elevated (raise the legs of the bed).

When should you see a doctor for vein treatment in New York?

  • If you notice your legs are swollen for several days in a row
  • Persistent and constant pain in one or both legs
  • Shortness of breath
  • Repeated tiredness and heaviness

Check with your vein doctor in New York.

In any case, seeing a vein doctor in New York one of USA Veins Clinics is best if your legs feel tired. Only they can do the checkup and the relevant tests to determine the most appropriate vein treatment in New York for you.

About khalil ur rehman

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