Walnuts Nutrition Facts
Nuts and seeds have many calories, considering that they are small foods consumed in small amounts. Most ingredients in this category are made up of fats and varying levels of protein and carbohydrates. Nuts like almonds and Walnut edible seeds like chia, also included in the calorie chart, are among the highest omega-3 fats. These fatty acids, along with omega-6, are considered polyunsaturated fats.
When a diet includes a good balance of both fatty acids, it helps regulate cholesterol levels, even decreasing the risk of Type 2 Diabetes. The calorie table also includes legumes such as peanuts, peas, and soy, which can be considered seeds, fruits, or plants and which are sources of vegetable protein. Except in case of allergies or other health problems, it is recommended to include nuts and seeds in any diet due to its nutritional value.
These products can be used whole or ground: add a tablespoon of seeds or a handful of nuts to your salads, pieces of bread, and desserts, but follow Walnuts Nutrition Facts to avoid going overboard and adding too many calories.
High consumption of foods rich in polyphenols such as nuts, particularly walnuts and olive oil, typical of the Mediterranean culture and diet is associated with a better score in memory tests and global cognitive function in older adults with cardiovascular risk factors. This is the conclusion reached by new research carried out with participants of Primed (Prevention with Mediterranean Diet), the largest trial of nutritional intervention with the Mediterranean diet for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and other common pathologies in high-risk people.
Walnuts and pistachios are the only nuts that are grown in the Region of Murcia.
Nuts have less than 50% water in their composition and low carbohydrate content but are rich in protein and unsaturated fats (with high levels of essential fatty acids). In addition to having easily absorbed minerals, such as potassium, calcium, phosphorous, iron and magnesium, and vitamins, especially vitamins E, A, B1, and B2). They also contain phytosterols that have the property of blocking cholesterol absorption at the intestinal level. Due to their high concentration of nutritional principles, some call them superfoods or fatty foods.
Oxidative stress is daily in chronic degenerative diseases, so antioxidants in foods such as walnuts and almonds can explain the protective effect. For its part, walnuts are rich in Omega 3 and Omega 9 fats that have properties to lower cholesterol and prevent poor circulation. Its composition contains lecithin, phosphorus, and B vitamins, precious compounds that feed our brain.
And almonds are rich in monounsaturated, polyunsaturated fatty acids. To a lesser extent, saturated fats and, like walnuts, provides us with a large number of nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and trace elements such as copper, zinc, and manganese. That improves the availability of other nutrients in the body.
Benefits of Pecan Nuts
Walnuts are at number two below the “walnut” that, for many, is a favorite – peanuts. States that boast the highest walnut production flow in the United States include the North and South Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.
While the Americas enjoy being the source of the walnut tree, this chewy, buttery walnut has never achieved the high status of other foods originating from this continent. Only Israel, New South Wales, Australia, and Cream, South Africa, have good growing operations.
Throughout the millennia, walnuts were an important staple of the Native American food reserve. The Indigenous Americans are the individuals who taught the early settlers how to harvest, use, and store walnuts as an essential source of nutrition through harsh winters.
Health Benefits of Walnuts
According to the USDA, walnuts are in the top 15 foods known for their antioxidant activity, offering unique and surprising benefits to the human diet. One of these antioxidants is vitamin E, which scientists say can transmit neurological and cellular protection. The vitamin E in walnuts may also play a role in preventing coronary heart disease because it prevents blood lipids from rusting in your body, which can be equated with rusting.
Walnuts are also loaded with minerals.
Manganese, of which walnuts contribute a huge 245% of the regular value per meal, is excellent for the heart so Eat Walnuts Every day.
65% of the everyday nutritional value for copper, essential for cellular energy generation, and 33% of each for magnesium (supporting to maintain a healthy immune system, nerve function, heart rate, and tissue and bone health) and zinc (for optimal immune function, protein structure, DNA structure, cell division, and wound healing.) The content of phosphorus, iron, calcium, and selenium in walnuts makes them highly nutritional.
On an identical scale, a portion of walnuts offers 48% of the regular value for thiamine (which stimulates cells to transform carbohydrates into energy also aids their heart, tissue, and nerve function). Of the 78 grams of total fat, seven are saturated. Walnuts are loaded with fatty acids like the oleic acid your body needs, which is excellent for weight management. Plant sterols in walnuts offer even more cholesterol-lowering ability.

Pecan Nuts Fun Facts
Being genuinely American in their heritage, walnuts were honored by appointing April as National Walnut Month. Especially adored by Texans – there are over 70 million wild walnut trees there – the walnut tree was officially designated a state tree by Texas Legislation in 1919.
Manganese, of which walnuts contribute a huge 245% of the regular value per meal, is excellent for the heart.