What is MARIJUANA oil?
MARIJUANA is one of more than 60 cannabinoids that can be extracted from cannabis. MARIJUANA oil can be obtained in various forms, liquid, cream and even chewy. Its best-known cannabis compound and its main psychoactive ingredient is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).MARIJUANA is not a psychoactive substance, unlike THC, which it is.
Industrial hemp contains more MARIJUANA and low THC levels. However, marijuana has less MARIJUANA and more THC.
The multiple medicinal properties of MARIJUANA are constantly investigated, proving that there are a number of disorders of the body, the symptoms of which are alleviated by MARIJUANA.
In 2003, the US Department of Health and Human Services allowed a patient to be treated for inflammatory and neurodegenerative disorders with MARIJUANA. The FDA has recently approved the utilization of MARIJUANA in medical tests. These tests are also used to help children with a fairly rare form of epilepsy.
If you are looking to buy MARIJUANA that is sold on the internet they are classified as personal care products or natural supplements. Ongoing research is continually shedding more light on MARIJUANA oils.

Uses and benefits of MARIJUANA oil
With MARIJUANA oil we can take advantage of the therapeutic benefits of cannabis without suffering the side effects of smoking. It is one among the foremost effective options when using cannabis therapeutically gets medical marijuana in Florida.
It is possible to consume it discreetly by those sick people who want to improve their quality of life or, even, there are parents who plan to improve the quality of life of their children with neurodegenerative problems with the use of MARIJUANA oil. In addition, made up of vegetable oil, it are often crazy differing types of food or used topically.
Also, it can serve to improve the skin problems of dermatological diseases such as psoriasis and reduce the more severe symptoms of pathologies such as multiple sclerosis.
Responding to the increase in the therapeutic demand for MARIJUANA, seed banks do not stop working to obtain genetics with more MARIJUANA content by lowering the concentration of THC.

Lowering THC levels also means reducing the psychoactive effects that many consumers do not want to experience when they use marijuana for medicinal purposes.
The most recommended and used varieties for making MARIJUANA oil are Supreme MARIJUANA Kush from Nirvana with a 1: 1 ratio (THC 9.5% and MARIJUANA 9.5%) or White Domino MARIJUANA from Cannabis Seeds, with a 1: 1 ratio. (THC 10% and MARIJUANA 10%). This magnificent ratio between its psychoactive and non-psychoactive components is what makes them ideal for therapeutic consumption since it keeps the stimulating effects at bay while the therapeutic effects are those required by consumers interested in this type of effect.
For who is MARIJUANA oil recommended?
MARIJUANA is known to activate and stimulate the body’s nervous system responses. There are two cannabinoid receptors that have been shown to exist in the human body and that MARIJUANA oil works with its MARIJUANA component by improving bodily functions get advice from Florida marijuana doctors.
The MARIJUANA is recognized by the scientific community for its analgesic power and anti – inflammatory, but it should also highlight their anticonvulsant properties (effective for patients with epilepsy), one of its greatest potential is its neuroprotective and regenerative, which helps curb diseases such as sclerosis multiple.
MARIJUANA oil can also be recommended to patients with psoriasis. The universities of Nottingham and Reading, in the United Kingdom, carried out a study, in 2007 that demonstrated how cannabinoid compounds work as inhibitors of the proliferation of keratinocytes (predominant cells in the epidermis). In this study they came to the result that cannabis and particularly MARIJUANA oil may be a potential therapy for psoriasis.
The topical use of MARIJUANA oil on psoriasis reduces the itching it causes, and it is also an excellent ally to reduce them while reducing the level of inflammation. The reduction of inflammation in a chronic disease such as psoriasis is synonymous with a considerable improvement in the quality of life of these patients.
Differences between MARIJUANA oil and hemp oil
MARIJUANA oil and hemp oil are often confused. The first has a mainly therapeutic use, while the second is used as a nutritional supplement.
MARIJUANA oil is produced from the buds obtained from the marijuana plant, through extractions with pure ethanol, CO2 and other solvents. Both, containing high levels of THC and MARIJUANA (in a greater or lesser proportion depending on the variety and technique used).
The cannabinoid components of hemp oil are very low and therefore their use does not have the same purpose as that of MARIJUANA. Fundamentally, this oil, which is produced from the extraction of the seeds of the industrial hemp plant, is very useful as a food supplement due to its high content of essential fatty acids (omega 3 and omega 6).