Live a Healthier and Longer Life
Most of us are too comfortable with a laid back lifestyle. Processed food, a happy hour of excessive drinking, sweet tooth, binge-watching, and the list of bad habits goes on and on. It takes ages and some hard lessons for some of us to let go of toxic habits. Making a switch towards healthy living is one of them.
A long and healthy life is not just dependent on food choices but establishing a workout routine, keeping a social circle, and focusing on your mental wellbeing. Pesky things such as being stuck behind a slower driver, Internet outage issue, and breaking your headphones can irritate anyone. However, if these little issues make you overly aggressive, and your blood pressure goes through the roof, you are putting your health in danger.
Shape your future and change your lifestyle to live a long and healthy life with these tips:
1: Get Moving
Decades of studies are available to prove that only 30 minutes of daily moderate to intense physical activity reduces the risk of physiological and psychological diseases.
Maybe this would get your attention – exercise has an anti-aging effect. It doubles the number of mitochondria in the muscles and your body’s ability to use energy doesn’t lower with age. Additionally, as you reach your 40s, you lose a percentage of muscle every year. The only way to stay firm on your feet is to start working out.
2: Cut Back On Sugar
Say goodbye to sugary food, drinks, and chocolates. Some of us are too addicted to cut back on sugar completely. In that case, find substitutes. Start using honey in place of sugar. Many of your health problems will go away as sugar goes out of your life.
3: Reduce the Amount of Salt
Excessive salt is linked to high blood pressure, which can lead to heart diseases and stroke. Experts say even if you don’t add salt to your food, you may still be eating too much of it. About three-quarters of salt supply comes from the food items purchased from the supermarket such as cereal, bread, sauces, soups, etc. start checking the food label next time you buy groceries.
Adults must not consumer 6 grams of salt per day. Young children must consume even less than this quantity.
4: Never Skip Breakfast
Some of us are guilty of this. Skipping breakfast is a routine for us. Then there is a group of people who think that if they skip breakfast, it will help them lose weight.
A healthy breakfast is extremely essential to start an active day. This meal must be rich in fiber, low in fat, sugar, and salt. It’s recommended to consume a whole-grain cereal lower in sugar and combine it in semi-skimmed milk. Add fruit slices over the top to make it tastier and healthier.
5: Pick Up the Phone and Call Your Friends
Hanging out with friends and family doesn’t just make you feel good at the moment, it also improves long-term health. Social connection reduces the stress hormone called cortisol, reduces heart diseases, improves sleep, and even improves the immune function.
What are you waiting for? Invite your friends over or get out and meet them at a bar.
6: Take Advantage of Nature
Mother Nature has the power to alleviate stress and worries. It’s an instant mood booster. Time spent in nature is like an antidote to stress, anxiety, and depression. It also enhances creativity. Researchers speculate there is something unique about nature. It has the power of putting our mind and body to ease.
It’s a free way to practice physical and psychological restoration. Find the spectacular natural spots near your place and use them to meditate.
7: Own a Pet
A furry friend is great at reducing stress and increasing immunity. Those who live alone could really use a pet. It’s recommended to get a dog if you need the motivation to stay active.
9: Nap Whenever You Can
Scientific evidence backs up that napping helps you live longer. Those who nap daily are 37% less likely to die from heart disease. A regular snooze keeps your stress hormones down and keeps the heart healthy.
10: Forgive Others
Grudges can be hard on your physical health. Anger is linked to several health problems such as stroke, heart diseases, and lung problems. Practice forgiveness for the sake of your health. It reduces anxiety and lowers blood pressure.
8: Manage Stress
Like anger, stress takes a toll on your body and shortens your life. I know, sometimes it’s difficult to escape from stress. With problem-solving techniques, anything can be managed.
I will share an example. My aunt was frustrated because of the slow internet connection in Chicago. She couldn’t properly communicate with her daughter who was in Washington. This caused her a lot of stress. To solve their problem, I suggested them to sign up for Cox gigablast Internet and this changed everything.
Your stress cope up technique could be anything – journaling, walking, meditating – anything that takes your mind off the worry is helpful.
With strong determination, it’s possible to introduce these changes in your lifestyle.