Defeating Depression
The ongoing pandemic of Coronavirus is not hidden from any age of the people nor is it sparing any of us if not physically yet but mentally. The current situation of lockdown, social distancing is like getting prisoned at our own houses although it is still very better than getting affected. However, this novel coronavirus has disrupted our lives to a great extent both directly and indirectly.
Whether it’s a working man or woman, housekeeper or housewife, student or a retired person, all are more or less being under the spell of this pandemic. Countries suffering from COVID19 are now taking social distancing as a precautionary measure in order to prevent their population from getting affected or to reduce the spread of this disease.
Similarly, the situation is no better for school going or teenagers, things get worse for them especially if they are already dealing with depression and anxiety which is getting more common at the age of 15 or 18. This fear of getting affected and the possibility of not getting cured brings more fear, anxiousness, insomnia, and many mental disturbances, causing a feeling of getting trapped into four walls. With this social distancing and keeping yourself to your rooms with smartphones or laptops, only calls a threshold situation of depression.
However, more stress is poured out on the people through media feeds and a continuous watch for news telecasts, coupled with no touch of friends and colleagues, people are more likely to open up usually.
Though we need to keep in mind, this time is crucial for all, and there is a strong need to support each other by letting each member of the family talk and pour out their fears. So that the environment will lighten up and to laden free your loved one with the stress and anxiety.
What steps as an employee, mother, father or a senior family member needs to take, in order to reflect the relief of other family members who are getting affected by the measures for COVID19?
To get some useful advice and suggestions, we have asked the above question to a housewife and an online blogging expert woman called Lorence, mother of three kids; two teenage boys and a little girl of seven. The answer to this question is something we all can relate to.
She said “I Am the only mother of my kids, I have to work out for a living and be the only one to make decisions. I have been suffering from insomnia myself and in this COVID19 outbreak it’s really hard to keep your life on a normal track although you are very much aware that nothing is normal out there.”
“ I have to tell my daughter every time why she is not allowed to go out and play with friends, why schools are closed and so many other things. Likewise the boys too, they are hard to convince to stay in and I really have to produce reasons and scope for them to keep their minds off from this outbreak.”
She also said, “being a single mother, I felt more responsible to have insights into the minds of my kids, what they are thinking and are they depressed or feeling lonely”.
“I engage them in different activities like playing UNO, ask them to clean their rooms, and do little chores. I keep my daughter with me as much as possible, asking her to help me in the kitchen, we bake and watch cartoons together”.
“As far as myself is concerned, I cope my anxieties with writing. Yes, I have started writing since I have to remain at home as well. Currently I have engaged myself writing short stories and poetry for a local magazine, this is an interesting way to gather up my wits and a source of earning online too”.
We thank Ms. Lorance for sharing her experience in a situation of this pandemic in a prompt reply to an Email we have requested from her last week.
Not only this but there is more we have learned from many other people who respond to us. In light of their suggestions here are some strategies to handle the developing anxieties in both teens and adults.

- We have to understand that this is a temporary situation and nothing will happen to us if we strictly follow the advice of UNICEF, WHO, and CDC. that is mainly to frequent wash of hands, not touching your nose or mouth, staying at home, and social distancing.
- Create a normal atmosphere at home around your family, not let them think it is the end of the world but try to convince them things will eventually get back to normal only if we cooperate.
- Build your immune system by adopting a healthy life schedule. Sleep more and take healthy food in order to boost your immune system.
- Don’t spend too much time browsing or watching videos based on the outbreak of COVID19, it will adversely affect your mental health, but try to watch it as less as possible.
- Focus on the things you have and the areas where your attention is required, it could be anything, your leftover book, fixing of a birdhouse, constructing a pet house, painting your garage, etc.
- Try to find positivity around you, sit with your family, talk to them, and listen to how they are seeing this pandemic. Create opportunities to help others around you too, instead of dwelling too much on the future. Yet try to enjoy the moment you got to spend with your family and consider these as holidays or vacations at home.
- Develop a reading habit in your kids more than playing games too much, although give them time to talk to their friends on video calls instead of going out and meeting them.
- Bring out your long-abandoned fields of interest, like painting, baking, gardening, writing, anything which you have left due to being busy before. Grasp nature and feel it by spending your time on it which you love to do.
- Listen to your favorite songs, watch motivational stories, and try to build a positive vibe around you.
- Do not spend too much time getting updates from news rather stay informed through the trustworthy source of information. Avoid getting indulged into fake information circulating more frequently on your phones, emails, and voice messages which are resulting in panic and chaos in public.
Don’t let yourself think too much but make a positive impact on your society by giving awareness and helping hand to those who are in need of necessities. It will be best if you assist people who need medicines, groceries, and old people who need to be taken special care at this very moment.